Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Books that are making a difference for me

For me the end of any year usually is a time for reflecting on the successes of the past twelve months. This year is no different. Like all businesses, we have struggled with the economy and the challenges our client's have faced because of the changing business climate. Like all things in life, the events of the past year have precipitated the need to look inside ourselves to find the inner strength to move forward.

One of the ways I personally have found to help improve my outlook and more importantly my actions, was to revisit and recommit to my our personal development. To that end, I thought I would share a few of the titles which have become very useful to me over the past few months.

1 - Keith Ferrazi's - "Who's got your back"

It's a great read on how to find a tight group of people who have your best interest at heart and are not scared to hold you accountable for any action you take.

2 - Jack Canfield's - "The Success Principles - How to get from where you are to where you want to be"

This book is the gamplan to a more successful life. A step by step instruction manual on how to take control of all you do and want. It all starts with taking Responsibilty of ALL of your actions.

3 - Timothy Ferris' - "The 4 Hour Work Week"

Even if you only take (and impliment) one or two ideas from this book your life will be forever changed.

4 - Alan Frew's - "The Action Sandwich"

Frew is the former lead singer of one of Canada's leading rock bands. His book gives you the kick in the pants to ensure you realize that the key to success is taking action!

So, what does it all mean? Ready Fire Aim. Do it Now. Just DO it. TAKE ACTION!

You'll never reach your dreams or aspirations sitting on youre butt!

As someone once said...

Successful people do the uncomfortable and face facts squarely. What can you do today that you have been avoiding!