Friday, February 11, 2011

2011 Trending Now!

Using promotional products to promote your business is a proven method to generate results. However, the promotional world is shifting. Gone are the days when just your logo on a pen will suffice. More and more company's are looking to differentiate themselves through the branding of their promotional items. Products that reflect your brand and are relevant to the recipient have become the most important criteria.

By following a few key consumer and market trends when choosing your items, can dramatically increase the return on your investment.

Use Technology - Technology, social media & mobile accessibity now permiate our daily lives. Using features such as QR codes & Facebook page addresses will help drive your client to recieve further information from your organization.

Hassle-Free Travel - Traveling should be a stress free experience. With the ever changing security regulations, one needs a week at the spa just to unwind from a simple flight. Security-friendly laptop bags, backpacks and netbook cases, allow you clients to simply unzip their bags and lay them flat for their trip through the inspection machines at security. A great way to thank your clients is to de-stress their work day.

Stay Green - The unbiquitous Polypropylene tote bag has become a trade show standard. Wherever possible, look for the "green" option. Everything from pens, drinkware, wearables and even USB flash drives are being made with Organic or recycled material. Tell your client you care and they will listen to you.

Increase the Cool Factor - Look to the street. What are the fashion magazines showing. Look for colour trends, finishes and most of all wearable enhancements. A simple shot of a bold colour on any product you are currently using may be all you need to make the product POP!

Staying in touch with current trends or putting your logo on a "non-traditional" item may be all you need to increase the chances of your promotional products being used over and over again and allow you to increase the exposure of your brand!