Friday, January 16, 2009

What we are seeing - the trends for 2009

As the internet becomes the media of choice for most companies with any kind of ad budget at all, most of our clients ad dollars have been moving away from traditional media over the past few years as well.

Those same dollars are migrating to online media, promotional products and other non-traditional media. So far, companies have been able to gradually boost their spending online and on promotions without abandoning traditional media entirely, but we feel 2009 will be different.

With so many companies strapped for cash, budgets will be slashed and there will be some big losers, probably TV, radio and print, while more cost effective, flexible and targeted outlets, like search marketing and guerrilla marketing will receive a bigger share of the (smaller) pie than ever.

As for what products will be in demand, we see a combination of two obvious trends. First, low cost promos will be popular as companies and organizations try to make the most with limited budgets. Second, eco-friendly promos are going to be desirable...if people can afford them.

Which brings us to our prediction: recycled products are going to do very well, particularly items like non-woven bags which are actually less expensive than nylon or cotton. Other winners will be recycled paper products and recycled plastic products, which are more eco-friendly than promos made from virgin materials, but can be priced competitively. Other eco-friendly options like organic cottons may be a tougher sell. However, if some of the recent demand for organic cotton dies down, that may also lower prices there a bit, too.

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